6. case 03:Thermometer#

6.1. Our Goal#

  • Use watch kit to create a wearable thermometer.

6.2. Material#

  • 1 x Watch kit

6.3. Hardware Connection#

Assemble our watch kit directly just like the picture below.


6.4. Software#

Microsoft Makecode

6.5. Programming#

Step 1#

  • Create a variable flag. Initialize this variable to 0 when we startup our micro:bit. When button A is pressed, set the flag to 1.


Step 2#

  • Create a forever loop and insert show icon block with a heart under it. If the flag equals 1, then assign the temperature value to the variable Tem.

  • If the variable Tem is beyond 30 degrees, display a crying face and show string “So Hot”。And then delay 0.5 second after displaying the temperature.


Step 3#

  • If the variable Tem is under 20 degrees, display a crying face and show string “So cold”. And then delay 0.5 second after displaying the temperature.

  • If the temperature is among 20 degrees to 30 degrees, then display a smile face and delay for 0.5 second after showing the temperature.

  • Set flagto 0 to exit the function above.


6.6. Program#

6.7. Result#

  • We can see a smile face and temperature on micro:bit screen.


6.8. Think#

6.9. FAQ#

Q: Sometimes the temperature is obviously under 20 degrees, why the displayed number is much higher?

A: Because the temperature obtained by micro:bit is the temperature of main chip, instead of environment temperature. When micro:bit runs for a long time, the chip will be heated significantly.

6.10. Relative Readings#