Case17:Gesture-controlled TPBot
20. Case17:Gesture-controlled TPBot#
20.1. Purpose#
Control the movement(forward, back, turn left/right) by your hands gesture.
20.2. Material#
1 x TPBot
20.3. Hardware connection#
Connect gesture sensor to IIC port on TPBot.
20.4. Software#
20.5. Programming#
Click “Advanced” to see more choices in the MakeCode drawer.
We need to add a package for programming. Click “Extensions” in the bottom of the drawer and search with “tpbot” in the dialogue box to download it.
We need to add a package for programming. Click “Extensions” in the bottom of the drawer and search with “PlanetX” in the dialogue box to download it.
Drag the show icon brick into on start.
Detect the hands gesture through the gesture sensor, set the car to move forward at the speed of 40% for 1s while detecting your hand waving upward.
Code with a similar way for the gesture of waving downward, left and right.
You may also download it directly below:
Face your hands onto the gesture sensor, control TPBot’s movement with your hands gesture.
20.6. Exploration#
20.7. FAQ#
Q: While operating this case, why the car might not work properly? A: It might be the low power of the batteries, please try adding the value of TPBot’s speed and test again.