2. Pico-ringbit-library#

2.1. Dependencies#

2.2. Classes#

class Ringbit(left_pin, right_pin)#

Ringbit class is used to create a ringbit instance

  • left_pin - left_pin

  • right_pin - right_pin

**set_speed(left_speed, right_speed)**

Set the speed of left wheel and right wheel

  • left_pin - Left wheel speed

  • **right_pin -**Right wheel speed


Create the sample of class neopixel.NeoPixel

**init_rainbow_leds(pin, n, brightness=1.0, auto_write=True)**

Initialize the rainbow lights

  • pin - rainbow pins

  • n - number of rainbow lights

  • brightness - Rainbow light brightness (0.0 ~ 1.0)

  • auto_write - if “True”, no need to refresh the rainbow light color by calling show()

**get_distance(pin, unit)**** **

Get the ultrasonic range distance

  • pin - Connect the signal pin of the ultrasonic sensor

  • unit - distance unit, parameter enumeration: Unit.cm, Unit.inch


Get the status of the line tracking sensor, '11' means all in black, '10' means black on the left and white on the right, '01' means white on the left and black on the right, '00' means all in white.

  • pin - Connect the signal pins of the line tracking sensor

2.3. Example#

Set the left and right wheel speed

import board
from ringbit import *

ringbit = Ringbit(board.P0, board.P1)
ringbit.set_speed(50, 50)

Rainbow LED

import board
from ringbit import *

ringbit = Ringbit(board.P1, board.P2)

# Initialize the rainbow LED
ringbit.init_rainbow_leds(board.P0, 2)
#  Set light 0 to red, color value in hexadecimal form
ringbit.rainbow_leds[0] = 0xff0000
#  Set light 1 to green in rgb format
ringbit.rainbow_leds[1] = (0, 255, 0)

Read ultrasonic distance

import board
import time
from ringbit import *

ringbit = Ringbit(board.P0, board.P1)

while True:
    print(ringbit.get_distance(board.P2, Unit.cm))

Read the status of the line-tracking sensor

import board
import time
from ringbit import *

ringbit = Ringbit(board.P0, board.P1)

while True: