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Aircraft Battle (2)


On the basis of the aircraft battle project in last week, I would like to upgrade the “bullets” to strengthen its power by collecting the bullets left by enemies.

The initial version of the aircraft battle: https://www.elecfreaks.com/blog/post/aircrafts-battle.html


Retro Arcade for Education

Retro Arcade for Education


Go to MakeCode Arcade: https://arcade.makecode.com/


Revise the code in the former project: https://makecode.com/_UE2Xbt9FyV8E

Set with possibilities for the enemies to leave their unused bullets after they are attacked. Set a random value of Drop probability from 0~100 after the enemies are attacked, judge if the value is 1, if yes, generate a projectile Bullet upgrade package at the place of the enemies and set its type as 1, and define the speed from X&Y; set Drop probability bounce on wall.

Retro Arcade for Education

Define the code of the package, if the Player sprite coincides with the 1 type sprite, upgrade the bullets and degrade it to 1 type sprite.

Retro Arcade for Education

If the enemy type sprite coincides with 1 type sprite, set to destroy the 1 type sprite.

Retro Arcade for Education

Program with different bullets level.

Retro Arcade for Education

Link: https://makecode.com/_5PhT09YCK0Wa


After programming, connect the computer with the Retro via the USB cable.

Retro Arcade for Education

Choose hardware “F4”.

Retro Arcade for Education

Click the reset button on the Retro and go to the downloading page.

Retro Arcade for Education

Match the devices and get connected with “Arcade”.

Retro Arcade for Education

Click downloading to compile the program into the Retro.

Retro Arcade for Education


Control the movement of the spirit in the screen, set the life in 3. When it crashes onto the enemy, the life score decreases 1, the game is over when the score is 0; press button A to launch the projectiles, the score adds 1 each time when the enemy gets hit. After attacking the enemies down, set the possibilities to collect the bullets that move at random, if the enemies pick up them, the bullets get destroyed; if the aircraft picks up the bullets package, it upgrades the bullets package automatically with the highest bullet level in 3.

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